
Me and Technology

So I’m not sure what it is about technology but it absolutely NEVER agrees with me. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve written and a lot has happened since then lol but I’ve tried to pull this up on my computer and it just won’t let me 🤷‍♀️. As a fluke I decided to […]


Small Successes

It’s been awhile since I wrote on here. I started my P3 year of pharmacy school back in August. This semester started out with our infectious disease (ID) module. We’ve heard over the past two years how hard that module was and that was in pre-covid days. Needless to say I have managed to pass […]


Is There Meaning

I was listening to my husband the other day try and explain mask wearing to his family. He was explaining that wearing a mask isn’t protecting us, the wearer per se, but protects others from us. It’s not that I haven’t had the same talk with my kids more than once but for some reason […]



So it’s been a few since I wrote. I had my surgery (hysterectomy) on Monday. Was able to go home Tuesday. I was really sore those next couple days but today I am beginning to feel better. I realized today just how close we are to this upcoming semester and had a moment of panic […]


Hard Emotions

So my youngest nephew has been with us for a couple weeks now I think. We will drive him back to the Banks tomorrow which is a six hour drive, stay the night with my sis, and then drive back late Monday. Today Victims for Justice (VFJ) held the annual Homicide Memorial Ceremony 💔 (which […]


Happy 4th

It seems kinda crazy how fast time has gone by this year. I know today is a day of celebration, it’s just too bad we don’t celebrate life more and truly treasure it. My family and I will celebrate the fourth safely though without risking the lives of ourselves or others and take a moment […]


Family Life

So this last week was a busy one. I finished my rotation at the hospital although I have some make-up hours to do for when I was out with that fever. I also have a paper to finish this summer for my research rotation/shadowing hours but I work a little bit every day on that […]


A Long Wait

So my mom finally got her test results back eight days after taking her test but it was negative thankfully. She is still feeling sick but glad that she can contact her doctor and minimally get advice on some of her symptoms. As for me I went back onto rotations for the remainder of the […]


Stuck At Home No More

So 5-o-clock rolled around yesterday and no word about me and my daughters test results. We had been quarantining to our rooms hoping to keep the spread to the family minimal (although this showed me how very unprepared we are) but I feel like air and germs will spread pretty easily in an enclosed space. […]


First Week Down

So I finished my first week of three, of my institutional rotation. This is my hospital rotation for my pharmacy program. I’m not going to lie, I have been really nervous about it since it’s in the hospital and we have had rising covid cases ever since our state decided it was a great idea […]